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Auctus supports International Womens Day

We Support International Women’s Day

Tuesday, March 8, 2022, is International Women’s Day, as you’ve probably heard on the news or seen on social media. This day is dedicated to achieving equality, dispelling prejudices, and eliminating discrimination.

Social Media Campaign to #BreakTheBias

The theme for this year is #BreakTheBias, and the goal is to combat all forms of gender bias and educate everyone on what constitutes bias, which can be subtle and difficult to identify.

When a hiring manager thinks more highly of someone because they believe they are similar, or less favourably of someone because they are different, this is known as unconscious prejudice. They may, for example, identify as a different gender, race, religion, or age. And people can put all these preconceptions into action without even realising it.

Bias can also infiltrate our daily encounters at work, typically manifesting as what many people refer to as “workplace banter.” However, we must keep in mind that some people have a lower tolerance for certain things, and what one person finds light-hearted banter can be insulting to another. Of course, banter or comments, or even a lack of thought, can be about any other trait, not just gender; nonetheless, they can reverse the progress we’ve made over time, especially in a male-dominated sector like infrastructure. Examples could range from jokes about female drivers to emails with a diverse distribution list that begins with the word “Gents.”

Our Values and Beliefs

As an organisation, Auctus Management Group has a set of values worth reinforcing here to ensure we treat everyone with the same level of respect and professionalism.

  • We believe in respect as the foundation for all our working relationships. We are open, honest, and transparent but still know we’ve got each other’s backs. We are “One Team”.
  • We believe in professionalism as the certainty of our safety and performance will be enhanced by always doing what we say we will do. As a result, we are accountable, you can believe in us, and we will earn your respect.
  • We believe in being inclusive as it fosters diversity and an environment where everyone has a voice. This, in turn, ensures exceptional team performance.
  • We believe in partnerships, as success comes from working together with our clients, suppliers, and each other.
  • We believe in pushing the boundaries as it forces us to continually improve, embrace innovation, and find solutions to our challenges.
  • We believe in growth as a positive mindset and want to create a challenging environment where we can inspire people to develop and be the best that they can be.

Download Campaign Resources

You can download resources from the IWD’s website here – – if you want to spread the #BreakTheBias message on your own LinkedIn or other social media platforms.

About International Women’s Day 2022

Collective action and shared ownership for driving gender parity are what makes International Women’s Day impactful. Make it your day and do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women.

For more information about International Women’s Day, please visit:


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About Auctus

Auctus Management Group offers various services to the infrastructure sector, such as Arboriculture, Civils & Construction, Geofencing, Rail Operations, Safety-Critical Resource, Signalling & Telecoms, Track Warning Services, and Welding. We can also provide specialised training for the infrastructure industry.

RSS Infrastructure, a provider of infrastructure solutions, is also a member of the group.

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