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Seamless Pattern | Auctus Management Group

AMG Awarded ENEI TIDE Silver Standard Accreditation


The Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion (ENEI) is the UK’s leading employer network covering all aspects of equality and inclusion in the workplace. Their vision is for organisations and people to prosper by valuing difference in the workplace, and as a result their mission is to be the Leading employers’ equality and inclusion network by working in partnership with our members to set the recognised standard for best practice.


To implement their vision and mission, ENEI’s benchmarking tool for evaluating an organisation’s performance in Diversity and Inclusion is Talent Inclusion and Diversity Evaluation (TIDE), a Gold, Silver, Bronze category system for companies to measure themselves by.


Auctus Management Group Ltd and its subsidiary businesses, RSS Infrastructure Ltd and INFRA Skills Ltd are proud to announce we have been awarded the Silver Standard Accreditation, this was deemed a huge achievement as we are one of very few companies to have been awarded the Silver Standard on their first submission.


We were among 79 organisations who participated in the ‘TIDEmark’ submission process in 2019 that spanned across 7 different sectors and 2 different regions. Auctus Management Group were placed 12th in Europe with an overall score of 73%, which was over 20% higher than the average submission score.


Dave Massingham, EDI Consultant was delighted with the result and commented,

“This is a great achievement for the company and it places us in a good position to progress our EDI agenda forward, where we aim to progress to the Gold Standard”.



Dave Massingham and Karen Meredith, HR Manager attended the ENEI Awards at The Law Society, London to accept the award on 3rd June 2019.

For more information on ENEI, go to their website on:

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About Auctus

Auctus Management Group offers various services to the infrastructure sector, such as Arboriculture, Civils & Construction, Geofencing, Rail Operations, Safety-Critical Resource, Signalling & Telecoms, Track Warning Services, and Welding. We can also provide specialised training for the infrastructure industry.

RSS Infrastructure, a provider of infrastructure solutions, is also a member of the group.

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